Saturday, 18 April 2015

Cleanly transferring UV's

I needed to transfer some Uv's, but my rigger has already began rigging, often this would mean that the model cant be touched again in that way, but through a great tutorial it shows you how to transfer UV's to a bound model, the technique in itself is fairly simple, but the reasoning behind it is a little more complicated. As I wanted to keep the rig file as clean as I had recieved it, I wanted no history on these transfer UV's. through a little hierachy work, and going to the core of where the model searches for its UV's, you then change that to a workable model, letting you access where the original UV information is stored, you then transfer the attributes, delete the history, then change it back into an untouchable node that you geometry uses to know what it's UV's are. 

you can check out a much better description and the reason why its important to cleanly transfer from this great tutorial :

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