Friday, 20 February 2015

Generating sculpt detail

 I really liked this technique, using my Albedo layer, and choosing to mask crevices of the image gives you a highly detailed mask over your model that can capture alot of pour and blemish detail that will obviously line up with the albedo perfectly, This plus my underlayer of Pours and skin differences gave a nice worn face.

With bloating the unmasked parts very slightly, you can get pour and hair detail, I found any extra detail now was free detail, and I could soften out anything that didnt quite work.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Electro Skin FX Shot Build

Check out this breakdown of the work done to create the amazing look achieved on Electros skin, A lovely insight to how layered effects and tweaks can build up an very cool effect, Electro was definitely my favourite looking character, some great effects along with one of my favourite scenes in the movie when his bolts were hitting the electric pylons and they were making a tune along with the soundtrack, very cool sound sync!

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Extra face detail

Aswell as using projection to get my albedo layer, I wanted to work my own pours In just so I has some control on the level of pour detail. I knew that when using SSS in Arnold it was going to soften out my detail a little, this allowed me to prepare in advance and work the detail a little harder than normal, just to make sure when I come to generating the maps they would hopefully need little tweaking when setting up my character in Maya.

I used the mask a little when focusing on the lips, It helped alot to be able to freely stroke to give lip detail and not be worried about going over, The opposite was also effective, by inverting the mask I could focus on the pours and the mouth and not have them spill onto the lips.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Romain CHAULIAC - DEMOREEL 2013 // CG Generalist - Modeler

One of the big reels out there!! CHAULIAC's work is really great, I first saw his work reposted by CGBros, I Like to check up every now and again and see what work he is posting, which was currently a nice breakdown of a Hig res still he create with lots going on, Cyborg influenced of course (following the theme of many of the sci-fi reels I enjoy)

Here is his 2013 Reel, still some great work, go check out more!!